Basic Need-To-Know Information for all Aerial Fitness/Aerial Arts
What are some of the risks of Aerial Fitness/Aerial Arts?
Aerial arts is a potentially dangerous activity involving acrobatic work at various heights. The most common injuries are overuse injuries of shoulders and back, pulled muscles, bruises, fabric burns, and dizziness/nausea (from upside-down inversions and spinning). Possible risks include but are not limited to sprains, broken bones, paralysis or death.
Aerial fabric techniques involve complex wraps and positions that if executed incorrectly or slightly off could have consequences including falling out of the air. It also involves subjecting the body to large impact forces that may cause sprains, strains, overuse injuries and other potential injuries if done incorrectly.
Prior to any participation in any workshop or class, students complete a waiver form and agree to participate at their own risk.
What safety measures do you take?
AfreakA Aerials instructors take your safety very seriously. We have years of experience and been through rigging and several teacher training programmes. We use certified aerial apparatus, checked regularly, along with appropriate safety equipment such as crash mats and adequate spotting techniques.
What can I do to ensure my safety?
Follow instructions correctly and work at your own level. Ultimately your safety is your responsibility. All students must adhere to the AfreakA Aerials and facilities safety policies or they will be asked to leave class.
Minimum Health Requirements
Beginner level classes are designed for new students who may not have a lot of core or upper body strength. All levels, ages, and body types are welcome. Students must be in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in the activity. Students with the following physical limitations should consult their doctor prior to participating in aerial fitness:
Recent surgery (shoulder, eyes, back, hips, wrists, knees, hands)
Heart/ Cardiovascular conditions (such as much not limited to heart disease, high or low blood pressure, at-risk or recent stroke, syncope/ propensity for fainting)
Compromised bone health (osteoporosis, osteopenia)
Joint laxity (weak ligaments, compromised joint integrity)
Recent head injury/history of concussion
carpal tunnel syndrome
Severe arthritis
Sinusitis/Head cold
Disc herniation or acute discogenic disease
Joint replacement, full or partial
Diagnosed Neurological conditions
Severe muscle spasms
Botox injections (with 6 hours)
Soreness & Stiffness
Aerial work is a highly intense fitness activity. Expect to experience some level of soreness after an aerial workout. Soreness may last 2-3 days, and typically occur in the fingers, forearms, back and abs. Even if new students are in good shape, as with any new movement practice, they will probably still experience soreness. Aerial work is a unique fitness program because it introduces the body to instability of suspension and adaptability of movement. The body must strengthen the tiny stabilizer muscles that don’t normally get used. Expect to experience soreness regularly after class for about 4-6 weeks. Calluses are normal on the palms and fingers.